Monday 13 July 2015

The Glory of Femininity

The growing decay of feminism has surely taken its toll
Like a path of desecration in a boulder's downward roll
It doesn't mean the same things as it once did
Has come to represent one's own selfish bid
True feminism is glory to God

The glory of femininity
Gave her life to prayer, virginity
Heard the word of God, obeyed in humility
To Your servant, O Lord, let it be
The glory of femininity
Passed to her Son our humanity
He took it and healed it on the tree
Broke the gates of hell, set Adam, Eve free
By His Resurrection!

The movement now become a fad to trample down man
Gone from its noble roots, now been built upon sand
Elevated woman to godhood of her own fleshly rite
Instead of waiting with a lamp lit for the Bridegroom in the night
True feminism is glory to God

God made them in His image,
Both male and female
Gentile and Jew, Levite and not
Not as antagonists, but as compliments
Feminism, it means to be humble
Feminism, it means inward beauty
Feminism, it means dying to one's self
Feminism, is giving obedience where it is due
Respecting, glorifying, lifting high, proclaiming, living
The Truth of humanity

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